We wanted you to be aware of how to find various elements of our worship and fellowship life online, so that you can stay connected in spirit even though we are absent from one another in the body.

  • Sunday morning worship @ 11 am: We pre-record our service but premier it on Sunday at 11 am. We would love to worship with you at the same time. We will have teachings for kids, so your kids can join too. You can find service videos on our YouTube channel and Facebook page. If you can’t make it at that time, don’t worry; you can watch it later. 


  • Life Groups throughout the week: Life Groups has always been crucial to the health of our church and even more so now as we practice social distancing. Most life groups are on online platforms like Zoom or Webex. We strongly encourage you to find a life group that fits with your schedule and sign up.


  • Wednesday night prayer @ 7:00 pm: Please join us here for prayer using Zoom. If you have prayer requests throughout the week, please send your request here or text your request to our church text messaging service 562-414-5611. 

  • First Friday of the month prayer meeting @ 7:00 pm: Please join us for prayer using Zoom. The meeting link will be provided on Facebook and Instagram the week of. We will worship together and break out into smaller groups to pray. You will be greatly blessed!


  • Resources for Young Married Couples: Please join the young married couples’ group on Mondays at 8 pm. Please contact us to sign up.


  • Resources for Parents with young children: Please join us Saturday nights at 8 pm to encourage and pray for one another. Please contact us to sign up.


  • Resources for Children: Please visit our "children's ministry" page for resources for your pre-school and elementary school-aged children. 


  • Giving: Please continue to remember us in your giving. You can send or hand deliver a check to our Plymouth office or give online.


  • Tech support: If you ever need tech support for setting up your electronic devices to access these online resources, please let us know. You can call the church office (562-692-1228), text the church (562-414-5611) or email the church. We will gently get you set up and walk you through the process.